
WordPress Security Dashboard: Great idea, bad execution (also PHP sucks)

WordPress Security Dashboard: Great idea, bad execution (also PHP sucks)

WordPress 5.2 includes a security dashboard to help fix potential security issues with any WordPress site. This is a great...

Status page broken for the rest of this week

Status page broken for the rest of this week

Update (5/17/2019): The new status page is now online. This week, a lot of things have broken. My personal Home... Website Updates – May 2019 Website Updates – May 2019

This month, I’ve made several improvements to the site. These improvements help keep the site up-to-date, and to overall enhance...

Recaptcha has been fixed

Recaptcha has been fixed

Just today I noted an issue with Recaptcha not working properly for comments. Not to fear, I’ve made the necessary...

I intentionally made a very popular Easter Bunny Tracker. Sweet!

I intentionally made a very popular Easter Bunny Tracker. Sweet!

Ever since my entry into this tracking space in 2017, my mission has been simple: Make things better. After making...

Owen the Ninja is no more, welcoming Owen the Dev!

Owen the Ninja is no more, welcoming Owen the Dev!

I’ve had a bit of a history with “vanity” TLDs, as they’re so called. In 2015, I decided to buy...

Site & CC updates

Site & CC updates

Hello all! I’m excited to announce that you can now pop the champagne, as now all the pages & work...

Site & Project Development Halted until May-June 2019

Site & Project Development Halted until May-June 2019

While I do my best to try and maintain a relatively good balance of coding & schoolwork, it’s March, and...

Depreciation notices – February 2019

Depreciation notices – February 2019

Spring cleaning came early! I’ve decided to expedite the depreciation of some services I run to lighten up my web...

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