owenthe.dev Website Updates – May 2019
This month, I’ve made several improvements to the site. These improvements help keep the site up-to-date, and to overall enhance the website experience. See the full changelog below for what’s changed for May 2019:
- Home page descriptions have been redone to reflect new projects & skills.
- The track.easterbunny.cc Project Page was updated to include more technical details about how the tracker worked.
- Links across the site were further updated to reflect the domain name change to owenthe.dev.
- status.owenthe.dev (Status Page) was updated with better descriptions about various services.
- Dovetail’s DLC page was updated to reflect the latest DLC.
- The SurvivalCraft-MC Network Project Page was updated with an afterword from my current perspective.
- The site tagline has been changed to “A Python & Web developer.”
- A new project page focusing on the spam checking tool CollegeSpamChecker has been uploaded
- The projects tab in the menu has been separated out for projects started between 2012-2015, and 2016-2019. There are some exceptions – like o355 Games which was rebooted in 2018 after a four-year hiatus, and some projects in the 2012-2015 category that in reality ended towards 2016/2017. Regardless, the separation helps to keep the length of the dropdown under control.
Expect the updates tagged as (Upcoming) to roll around sometime in mid-May 2019. Until then, please enjoy these updates.