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Service Notice: Upgrading to new VPS

In the coming weeks, I’ll be moving my Web VPS over to a new, more powerful VPS from OVH. This is so that my services can run faster than they currently do, for more room to expand in the future, and to host a comprehensive static web archive of my previous projects.

If you’re curious about the technical details of the new server I’ll be moving over to, here you go:

  • 1 vCore from 2018 -> 2 vCores from 2020
  • 2 GB RAM -> 4 GB RAM
  • 20 GB storage -> 80 GB NVMe storage
  • 100 Mbps up/down -> 500 Mbps up/down
  • Same datacenter location (Canada)

What this also means is that I’ll need some time to move over all my services to the new website, one by one, very slowly. I’ll start with less important services so that I can iron out the transfer process, and then go from there with more high priority services.

All the details about this migration can be found at, including when certain services will go down for migration.

The general gist of the migration is that all the files (and databases if needed) will be transferred, the service will be started on the new server on port 80, then I’ll switch over DNS before provisioning new Let’s Encrypt certs (and then it’ll go live on port 443).

Total downtime for most of the services will be about an hour or so.

The migration should begin around July 27, ending sometime around August 4 (times are approximate!).

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