owenthe.dev Website Updates – September 2019
Happy end of summer! It’s been about 3 months since the last website updates post, and unfortunately I didn’t complete all the actions on that list, or some just seemed a bit too out there.
Don’t fear! Here’s the list of stuff I’ll be updating in September 2019:
- I’ll continue to work on the Snow Day series of pages. The Snow Day API page has been updated, the Snow Day Predictor page is pending a rewrite, and the Snow Day Dashboard page is still coming. I may wait until this project hits the first release in November 2019 to start writing the articles, as things may change.
- The about page updates scheduled for June 2019 are now rescheduled for September 2019. (Now complete)
- The project versioning tracker will get an overhaul (Now complete)
- I’ll be making some posts about tech stuff that I have. They’ll be bad…but who cares!
- The PyWeather and PIPupdate pages will be updated to reflect recent project updates.
- Dovetail’s DLC page update? You bet.