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Site & Project Development Halted until May-June 2019

While I do my best to try and maintain a relatively good balance of coding & schoolwork, it’s March, and that means testing season is here. While I do my best to maintain a balance between schoolwork & coding, at some point or another I usually have to cave in to stress. My dwindling weekly coding time shows this:

Week Coding Time
1/14 to 1/21 7 hours, 55 mins
1/21 to 1/28 5 hours, 45 mins
1/28 to 2/4 11 hours, 9 mins
2/4 to 2/10 3 hours, 42 mins
2/18 to 2/25 4 hours, 9 mins
2/25 to 3/4 8 hours, 8 mins
3/4 to 3/11 5 hours, 53 mins
3/11 to 3/18 2 hours, 18 mins

What this shows is that I’m now solely relying on study halls & lunch periods to code, all time at home is filled up with studying, schoolwork, and sleeping – plus extra relaxing due to the massive stress.

As a result, I’m falling way behind on projects. OKToFly was last developed on a month ago, PyWeather has been stagnant, and I’ve only been able to focus on the custom EBT, which is now done thankfully, and the Snow Day API service.

I’ve decided that for the time being, I’ll be halting development of many projects, until all the stress has cleared over.

While I will still be doing my best to code during this time period of testing, development of these projects has been halted until late May 2019:

  • Personal website – New posts & pages, plus major modifications to pages & posts.
  • OKToFly CLI edition
  • PiStation (upcoming project)
  • Status page

These projects will also be halted until late June 2019:

  • PyWeather v2
  • Snow Day API – Open-Source Web portal
  • OKToFly GUI edition
  • PyWeather Archives
  • Custom EBT Source Code release

These projects have been halted for the foreseeable future:

  • CollegeSpamChecker v2
  • QtWeather

During this time of lesser development, these projects & services will continue to run, albeit with less progress than usual:

  • Personal website – General maintenance
  • Snow Day API up to v3
  • Snow Day Website
  • Custom EBT


It does truly hurt to have to stop development of these projects solely for school work. I fight throughout the school year to try and make sure that I can continue coding while keeping up with schoolwork. However, at some point every year, I do have to cave in to the stress, and this year it happened a lot earlier than I was expecting.

Thank you for your understanding. Notices for all of these projects will be posted in their repositories if possible.

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