Depreciation notices – February 2019
Spring cleaning came early! I’ve decided to expedite the depreciation of some services I run to lighten up my web server.
Before I take down the sites listed below, I always make an effort to archive them, and save the files onto an external website. Here’s some info on these services that will be depreciated soon.
- PieKitKat 2k15: Scheduled for removal on February 12 (downloadable files will be stored on Dropbox)
- LAN Virtual Airlines: Scheduled for re-removal on February 14
- Music mirrors: Scheduled for removal on February 11 (files will be stored on Dropbox)
- Home Status: Removed on February 7
- Old archive sites: Scheduled for removal February 13
- New status page: Released, with more configuration coming soon.
- Unused subdomains along with their records will be unsupported on February 15.
Before all sites are removed, files & SQL databases are backed up, and a HTTrack is made of the website. For sites that require me to post files online, those will also be uploaded on Dropbox and a light site theme will be uploaded.
Additionally, some additional changes are also scheduled:
- Sites that run the depreciation theme will have JS/CSS files modified to load from my web server, instead of Google’s CDN between February 6-7.
- The archive page will be removed on February 14.
- Site updates will occur between February 7-9 to update/create project pages, update Dovetail’s DLC and others.