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A few updates…

Hey guys,

I haven’t been at all updating this website, and I thought I’ll update you with what will be updated in the next month or so. I’m quite busy with other stuff, I have not had the time to update this website.

First, a few services will need to be removed on August 21st, and will be re-uploaded on September 9th. This should not effect much on the website.

Second, I will quickly be updating this site to WordPress 4.3 on August 24th. It’ll be a super quick update. Like under 3 minutes.

Third, I will be uploading my C++ projects to the website very soon, for you to try then out and download. This should be up on the website by August 26.

Fourth, I’ll be making minor updates to this site, introducing with it v22.2.3, coming August 27. Very minor stuff.

Lastly, I will be updating the Race for the Diamonds project to include 1.8 spectator mode. I’ll publish the map on August 29.

And that’ll be it for a while here. After that, I’ll re-upload the services, and not work too much on this site, as I have other stuff to work on.

See ya’ll later.

Update: I’m going to update the site to v22.3 after all this (build 11300), and make it easier to install some projects, like compiling Java projects into Jar files.


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