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The ultimate Droid Incredible (2015-2017)

Back in 2010, my dad had a Droid Incredible. The Droid Incredible was the hottest thing on the market – Blazing fast 1 GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM, 3.7 inch display. Now, eight years later, it’s a mostly working, retired phone.

Pretty much, in 2015, I unlocked the bootloader, and started putting a lot of ROMs on it. I eventually had a library of CyanogenMod/Evervolv from 2.3 to 4.4, and it has some ROMs that aren’t available online anymore that I saved…somehow. It’s actually amazing through the crazy amount of network changes, how my ROM library survived it all.


Right now, the Incredible is retired. After I broke the power button in July 2016 (long story), and got it hot glued on months later, and because of age, it was time to let loose. I was setting my sights on a G2/Blu R1 HD as another Android backup phone.

I ended up getting the G2 as my backup phone. Then an iPhone 6 after LTE on custom ROMs broke. Then a Galaxy S7, and on and on it goes. The story of my backup phones is one for another story.


Nowadays, the phone works…but in a poor condition. The speaker is basically shot, the little camera ring fell off, the power button is mangled, and it’s all scratched and dinged up. The flash storage now operates at a measly 1.2 MB/s. It’s surprised me how this has survived 8 years of usage. Incredible.

Sadly, thanks to Verizon abandoning it’s CDMA network by the end of 2019. That means that this phone, along with 2 others I have around, won’t be able to access Verizon’s network, forever. In addition, Verizon stopped activating CDMA-only phones in mid-2018, meaning I can’t call Verizon and ask them to replace my current phone with the Incredible on my line.


So, that’s the story of the Droid Incredible. It was very much the ultimate Droid Incredible in its hayday.

Sleep tight Droid Incredible.


(I would upload the ROM library for the phone, but everything’s so outdated)