October Updates
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? October is here, and updates are also near as well. Here’s what I’ll be up to in the month of October:
Web Server Cleanup
My web server is notoriously messy. Thankfully, I’m cleaning it out, and one of the most important stages is done, full site archives. I used HTTrack to archive nearly 30 sites, and also learned that my web server can easily handle 20 requests/sec. I’m going to also run another archive software this week on a Mac, just to have a secondary backup.
Afterwards, I’ll begin the process of removing files and vhosts off of my web server starting late next week. SQL databases will be removed 2 weeks from now, after a secondary backup.
PyWeather, my flagship project at the moment has just crossed a huge milestone! Phase 1 of development was recently completed, and Phase 2 of development has now begun. Phase 1 was getting essential features and lots of data types coded into PyWeather. Phase 2 has begun, and it’s all about adding the extra stuff to PyWeather. I’m continuing to work on PyWeather, and I’ll post some Gource (git visualizer) clips of projects in the near-future.
That about wraps it up for this post. Please tune in next month for more updates about more things you really don’t care about.