I made it to one of those sites!
I was quite surprised, too. Let me explain.
If you’ve ever looked up tutorials on how to install something (e.g. LineageOS) to a phone, you’ll get sites that run on WordPress, and have thousands of articles that are poorly translated, and copy+pasted over and over again. Examples below.
You probably know where this is going. If you don’t know, I’ve been unofficially compiling LineageOS 14.1 for the vs980 and ls980 for about four months now. I publish my builds on AndroidFileHost, and there are reportedly ~125 active users, at least on the vs980 builds. That’s the phone I have sitting on my desk, right now.
Anyways, after four months of publishing builds, I was getting curious as to if any YouTube videos had picked up the builds. Nada. For the hell of it, I decided to search on Google: “lineageos vs980”. Wait, what’s this?
An article from one of these copypasta sites! Published 2 days after I published builds onto AndroidFileHost. Let’s read along to what the article had to say.
source: http://androidbiits.com/verizon-lg-g2-vs980-android-7-1-1-nougat-lineageos-14-1-rom/
“Developer o355 has released Lineage 14.1 ROM for Verizon LG G2 VS980. The tremendousness of Nougat 7.1.1 LineageOS 14.1 can now be tasted on Verizon LG G2 VS980. Androidbiits.com has recently published the step-by-step tutorial for installing Nougat 7.1.1 Lineage 14.1 (mido) on Snapdragon Xiaomi Redmi note 4. The thrilling news is that Verizon G2 VS980 owners can now install Nougat 7.1.1 Lineage OS 14.1 ROM on VS980. Isn’t it thrilling? Androidbiits.com will publish the appropriate steps to install Android 7.1.1 Nougat LineageOS 14.1 ROM on Verizon LG G2 VS980. The most crucial thing is that LineageOS 14.1 is an experimental build, so you may experience many issues on VS980 after installing it.”
“It is expected that the users will be able to install Lineage OS 14.1 on Verizon G2 VS980 appropriately without obstacles after reading the tutorial published in Androidbiits.com. Lineage OS 14.1 ROM needs rooted Verizon G2 VS980, so it is compulsory to root Verizon G2 VS980 before tasting Nougat 7.1.1 LineageOS 14.1 on VS980. You must root it to enjoy the thrillingness of Nougat 7.1.1 Lineage OS on Verizon G2 VS980. Well, it is compulsory to install TWRP on Verizon G2 VS980 to taste Lineage OS 14.1. Oh yes, VS980 owners can install Lineage OS only after unlocking VS980 bootloader.
“If you aren’t happy with your old firmware, then you must install Lineage OS 14.1 on Verizon G2 VS980. The thrilling news is that LineageOS 14.1 ROM will let you taste the thrillingness of Nougat 7.1.1 on Verizon G2 VS980. Androidbiits.com recommends that Verizon G2 VS980 owners must save their confidential data appropriately before installing Nougat 7.1.1 Lineage OS as there is a risk of data loss from VS980”
“Below are the appropriate steps to install Lineage OS 14.1 on Verizon G2 VS980. Androidbiits.com won’t take responsibility if Verizon G2 VS980 become corrupt during the installation of Nougat 7.1.1 LineageOS 14.1. It is compulsory to charge Verizon G2 VS980 battery above 84 percentage before using this tutorial.”
(yoast seo is SCREAMING at me right now)
Man, you have to love the poor grammar, and interesting tidbits in this article.
- This site can’t stay consistant with their naming scheme of LineageOS 14.1. Lineage 14.1, Android 7.1.1 Nougat LineageOS 14.1, you get the point.
- I bet these guys didn’t test the build on an in-house vs980, and all I’m doing is compiling from source, which runs the officially supported other G2 phones. It’s really stable, in reality.
- Never knew you could “taste the tremendousness” of an OS before. Same with “tasting the thrillingness”.
- Why do I need to specifically charge my phone up to 84% to install Lineage Nougat 14.1 AndroidOS?
- You don’t need to unlock the bootloader, actually.
Of course, these guys followed up with another article on the ls980, too. http://androidbiits.com/sprint-lg-g2-ls980-android-7-1-1-nougat-lineageos-14-1-rom/
Same template, as always. One minor change, you only have to charge the ls980 up to 82% to install 7.1.1 Android Lineage 14.1OS Nougat. Clearly the ls980 is inferior to the supreme vs980 when it comes to battery charge when installing LineageNougat 7.1.1 OSAndroid 14.1.
At the end, thanks for the credit and direct link, Androidbiits. Please write more genuine articles about new ROMs on your site, thanks
**hey androidbiits, if you see this, no hate, just uh, make some genuine articles**
Well then…